In 2005 I was working part-time for a local luggage retailer. And it was around the same time I was introduced to link building. Link building turned into SEO or search engine optimization and social media campaigns. Needless to say a few blogs were set up along the way. I mentioned the Luggage retailer as it was my first attempt at link building and second blog.
Content has been published on the luggage blog off and on over the years. Its one of those things we try to keep up with when we have the time. The last article published before the recent update was on July 25, 2011. We decided to dust it off, and take another look.
The first thing we had to do was make sure we had the password (Just kidding). We started by looking at overall site traffic. Then checked links, pages, and updated plugins. Don’t get me wrong, blogs (like this one) are extremely useful to the search engines and generally helps in any SEO effort. But for anyone who has created and maintained more than one blog can realize, it can be a ton of work.
So, with nearly all the to do boxes checked, it’s time for an easy measurement of our blog’s weight and trust using search engine results.
Is your Blog still Viable?
Okay, so not too bad after 3 years of collecting dust. But, as you can see from the above image, after a quick search, we fell off the charts and ended up on page 2. With Luggage 360 sitting at rank #11, it means there’s a ton of competition and a ton of organic search wobble going on in front of us. Each website writing, linking and advertising towards better search results. I’m just hoping the website gets a little movement or Bump in search rankings.
The latest article was published August 29, 2014. And we waited.
Bump (is normally temporary) and refers to a websites initial surge in organic rankings.
Nice! It seems we are sitting stable at #4 after 2 days in the search engine results. This one is viable!
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